WPSA’s 2024 Annual Meeting – Call For Papers
The 2024 annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver, BC, Canada, from March 28th to March 30th. Proposals for individual papers and complete panels are welcome. The DEADLINE for submission of paper and panel proposals, and to participate as a discussant or chair, is Friday, September 23, 2023. Please read the Call for Papers and submit your proposals here: https://wpsanet.org/meeting/call.php
The WPSA would like to extend a particular invitation to scholars whose panels were cancelled at the Los Angeles APSA meeting because of the labor issues. If your panel was cancelled, please consider submitting the complete panel to the WPSA. We will work with you to get it into our program.
The theme for the 2024 meeting is: “Political Backlash and Its Consequences.” While proposals are welcome on all topics in political science, the program chair is encouraging proposals that broadly assess the various formations of backlash and how it affects different parts of society, culture, and politics, and what long-term consequences will be for organizations, institutions, and identities. Scholars in all subfields of the discipline are welcome to submit proposals on subjects related to this theme.
Details about the conference, its theme, the Call for Papers, and proposal instructions appear on the WPSA website: www.wpsanet.org.