Emily Carr, War Canoes, Alert Bay (1912)

About Us

The Canadian Network of Law and Humanities (CNLH) brings together a community of scholars and students working at the intersection of law and humanities, including law and literature, legal storytelling, law and film, law and language, critical race theory, feminist approaches to law, law and emotions, and more. 

The goal of CNLH is to be a flagship for law and humanities research and teaching in Canada by fostering collaborative research, sharing teaching resources, and organizing events. CNLH seeks to heighten the visibility of this interdisciplinary field of study while strengthening the sense of intellectual community and encouraging experiential and creative pedagogies in the classroom. We welcome all individuals interested in the cultural, imaginative, and embodied aspects of law and humanities to connect with our network by following us on Twitter (@LawHumanitiesCA), subscribing to our monthly newsletter, and/or becoming a contributor

We hope that the CNLH will become a growing community for Canadian scholars to learn from, and be inspired by, each other.

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