UBC Legal Theory Speaker Series: Margaret Davies
The UBC Legal Theory Speaker Series is pleased to announce a Zoom lecture and discussion with feminist critical legal theorist Margaret Davies on March 3, 2023 from 2:30PM – 4:00PM (Pacific Time).
The title of the talk is “Turbulent Flow and the Emergence of Planetary Norms,” and draws from her recent book, EcoLaw: Legality, Life and the Normativity of Nature (2022). The lecture will be followed by conversation with the author, who has shared two short texts to provide some background context: the introduction to Ecolaw and ecolaw’s glossary entry in Braidotti, Jones, and Klumbyte eds More Posthuman Glossary.
Professor Davies is a Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor at Flinders University (Australia) and the author of numerous books, including Law Unlimited: Materialism, Pluralism, and Legal Theory (2017, Winner of the SLSA Theory and History Book Prize), Property: Meanings, Histories, Theories (2007), and Asking the Law Question (now in its 5th edition).
Please join us at the following Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/64864120044?pwd=MVpEZHB4bXZXVTFubThzdFNYM01Edz09