Green College Lecture: “Why Do Actors Train? Theatre, Philosophy, and Neuroscience”
Coach House, Green College, UBC (and livestreamed)
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 5-6:30pm
Read more: https://greencollege.ubc.ca/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D1776%26reset%3D1
An interview with Brad Krumholz, Executive Artistic Director and Co-Founder, North American Cultural Laboratory; moderated by Julia Ulehla, Music, UBC; hosted by Leora Morris, Theatre and Film, UBC
Coach House, Green College, UBC and livestreamed
Tuesday, October 1, 5-6:30 pm
Why Do Actors Train? (Bloomsbury/Methuen Drama) is a new book by theatre artist and scholar, Brad Krumholz. Focusing on recent developments in neuroscience, philosophy, and related fields, the author develops a new theory of embodiment to investigate the actor’s craft. In this lively dialogue between the author and interarts performer and ethnomusicologist Julia Ulehla–herself a former member of the Grotowzki and Richard’s Workcenter where many of these exercises were explored and developed–we will use the lens of embodied cognition to catch a glimpse of how all of us, not just actors, encounter the material world and the invisible forces at play within it.