Tom Thomson, Northern Lights (1917)
Featured Talks
The Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice With Gillian Calder: The Importance of Creativity, Empathy and Imagination to Legal Education in Canada
This is a recording of the February 27, 2025 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice with Professor Gillian Calder.
Talk Description
“Over the past 40 years legal education in Canada has undergone moments of sustained critical review. Much of this scholarship is focused on a perceived divide in legal education between those who see the work of law schools as akin to trade school aimed at developing the “practice ready lawyer” and those who see the role of legal education as that of graduating students with strong critical legal and social science skills, legal advocates who could, but who might not ever practice law. This presentation works to bridge these important and intersecting questions about the role and the value of legal education, not as oppositional, but as two pillars amongst many in the work of access to justice.
“This paper, honouring the legacy of Marlee Kline, examines the role that embodied learning plays in the lived work of legal advocates. I will argue that the skills of 21st century legal practice, particularly with respect to equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and decolonization are best developed in classrooms that are dynamic, problem-based, experiential and that draw on arts-based practice. I aim to leave our audience rethinking the role that critical pedagogies should play in the development of humane professionals and the impact that will have on the evolution of law itself.”
CNLH & CFLS Co-Present: Anatomy of a Fall: Telling Feminist Truths through Courtroom Drama with Suzanne Bouclin
This is a recording of a February 25, 2025 CNLH and CFLS co-sponsored lecture with Professor Suzanne Bouclin.
Talk Description
CNLH Presents: Dr. Philip Kaisary on Law and Black Agency in Memories of Abolition: Human Rights and Slavery Movies
Talk Description
CNLH Presents: The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Legal Studies
This is a recording of an October 15, 2024 CNLH-sponsored conversation and Q&A with the editors of The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Legal Studies: Tim Peters, Thomas Giddens and Karen Crawley.
Read more about the book here:
Book Description
“This handbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the cutting-edge field of cultural legal studies. Cultural legal studies is at the forefront of the legal discipline, questioning not only doctrine or social context, but how the concerns of legality are distributed and encountered through a range of material forms. Growing out of the interdisciplinary turn in critical legal studies and jurisprudence that took place in the latter quarter of the 20th century, cultural legal studies exists at the intersection of a range of traditional disciplinary areas: legal studies, cultural studies, literary studies, jurisprudence, media studies, critical theory, history, and philosophy. It is an area of study that is characterised by an expanded or open-ended conception of what ‘counts’ as a legal source, and that is concerned with questions of authority, legitimacy, and interpretation across a wide range of cultural artefacts. Including a mixture of established and new authors in the area, this handbook brings together a complex set of perspectives that are representative of the current field, but which also address its methods, assumptions, limitations, and possible futures.
“Establishing the significance of the cultural for understanding law, as well as its importance as a potential site for justice, community, and sociality in the world today, this handbook is a key reference point both for those working in the cultural legal context – in legal theory, law and literature, law and film/television, law and aesthetics, cultural studies, and the humanities generally – as well as others interested in the interactions between authority, culture, and meaning.”
Scholar Spotlight: Julen Etxabe Encourages Us to Bring Our Own Minds to the Law
Professor Julen Etxabe is interviewed by the UBC Public Humanities Hub.
Find the full interview here:
“Professor Etxabe has leaned into complexity throughout his career: in his academic background, spanning across the world; in his pedagogical style as an Assistant Professor in the Allard School of Law; and in his philosophy towards public scholarship with the Canadian Network of Law & Humanities (CNLH) and as an advisory board member of the Public Humanities Hub. In marrying these two seemingly disparate disciplines, he hopes to communicate to students, peers, and the public that Law and Humanities is an open field, one that encourages multidisciplinary ways of learning and critiquing the law—through movies, literature, philosophy—while also fostering a sense of critical awareness of the structural inequalities, injustices, and violence happening constantly in our polycrisis world.”
A Conversation with Naomi Klein and Margot Young: “Doppelgänger”
Professor Margot Young interviews Naomi Klein about her new book Doppelgänger. Used with permission of the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies.
Read more here:
This richly nuanced intellectual adventure story begins with Naomi grappling with her own doppelganger, a public intellectual whose views are antithetical to Klein’s own, but whose name and public persona are sufficiently similar that many people have confused the two over the years. From there, her gaze turns both inward to our psychic landscapes—drawing on the work of Sigmund Freud, Jordan Peele, Alfred Hitchcock, and bell hooks, to name a few—and outward, to our intersecting economic, environmental, medical, and political crises. Ultimately seeking to escape the Mirror World and chart a path beyond confusion and despair, Klein delivers a revelatory treatment of the way many of us think and feel now.
“A Genealogy of Indigenous Law: A Writer’s Journey”: Professor John Borrows
Professor John Borrows B.A., M.A., J.D., LL.M. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Osgoode Hall Law School), LL.D. (Hons., Dalhousie, York, SFU, Queen’s & Law Society of Ontario), D.H.L, (Hons., Toronto), D.Litt. (Hons., Waterloo), F.R.S.C., O.C., is the Loveland Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Toronto Law School. His numerous publications include, Recovering Canada; The Resurgence of Indigenous Law (Donald Smiley Award best book in Canadian Political Science, 2002), and Canada’s Indigenous Constitution (Canadian Law and Society Best Book Award 2011).
For over 30 years, Professor Borrows has written about the revitalization of Indigenous peoples’ laws, and their relationship to other Canadian Laws. In this talk, Professor Borrows discussed the arc of his writing over this period, through graduate work, sole-authored manuscripts, and edited books. In the process, he considered some of the themes the courts have developed which facilitate and frustrate Indigenous law, and he discussed the role of academic legal writing in addressing these challenges.
“Turbulent Flow and the Emergence of Planetary Norms”: Professor Margaret Davis
Professor Davies is a Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor at Flinders University (Australia) and the author of numerous books, including Law Unlimited: Materialism, Pluralism, and Legal Theory (2017, Winner of the SLSA Theory and History Book Prize), Property: Meanings, Histories, Theories (2007), and Asking the Law Question (now in its 5th edition).
This is a recording of Professor Davies talk “Turbulent Flow and the Emergence of Planetary Norms,” and draws from her recent book, EcoLaw: Legality, Life and the Normativity of Nature (2022). Background text for this lecture include: the introduction to Ecolaw and ecolaw’s glossary entry in Braidotti, Jones, and Klumbyte eds More Posthuman Glossary.
Conversations with Legal Thinkers
Mark Antaki
Mark Antaki is Associate Professor and Director of the Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law at McGill University. Prof. Antaki is interested in law as a fundamental linguistic human activity and in phenomenological and genealogical approaches to law. He has published on subjects such as the turn to “imagination” in legal theory, the discourses of “values” and “proportionality” in constitutional law, the metaphor of the book in South Africa’s interim constitution, and the role of exemplarity in legal reasoning. He co-edited Sensing the Nation’s Law: Historical Inquiries into the Aesthetics of Democratic Legitimacy (2018),as well as Rationalité pénale et démocratie (2013).
Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Johnson is Professor of Law and Associate Director of the Indigenous Law Research Unit at the University of Victoria. Her research interests are marked by interdisciplinary, and include judicial dissent, the economic imaginary, Indigenous legal methodologies, and gender and sexuality. A pioneer in Canadian law-and-film scholarship, she has written on such topics as same-sex family formation, colonialism, the Western, affect and emotion, and Inuit cinema. Her book Taxing Choices: the Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood and the Law (2003) won the 2003-2004 Harold Adams Innis Prize for Best English-Language Book in the Social Sciences by the Canadian Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences.
William MacNeil
William MacNeil is The Honourable John Dowd Chair in Law and Dean of the School of Law and Justice at Southern Cross University (Australia). Born in Canada, Professor MacNeil taught at London School of Economics and the University of Hong Kong prior to emigrating to Australia. Prof. MacNeil is a well-known scholar in the area of jurisprudence and cultural studies. He is the author of Lex Populi: the Jurisprudence of Popular Culture (2007) and of Novel Judgements: Legal Theory as Fiction (2013), which won the Penny Pether Prize for Scholarship in Law, Literature and the Humanities. Most currently he is completing a book on the philosophy of law in science fiction, fantasy and horror.
Panu Minkkinen
Panu Minkkinen is Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Law. Prior to joining the University of Helsinki, Professor Minkkinen worked at the University of Leicester in the UK and the Finnish Institute in London. His research interests include constitutional and political theory, cultural studies, and continental philosophy. He is the author of Thinking without Desire (1999), Sovereignty, Knowledge, Law (2009) and Law as a Human Science (forthcoming in 2021). He has also co-edited Constituent Power: Law, Popular Rule, and Politics (2020).
Jennifer Nedelsky
Jennifer Nedelsky is Professor of Law at the Osgoode Hall School of Law. She was previously Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of Toronto and Professorial Fellow at the Institute for Social Justice. Her teaching and scholarship focus on Feminist Theory, Legal Theory, American Constitutional History and Interpretation, and Comparative Constitutionalism. Her book Law’s Relations: A Relational Theory of Self, Autonomy, and Law (2011) won the C.B. Macpherson Prize, awarded by the Canadian Political Science Association. Her jointly authored manuscript A Care Manifesto: (Part) Time for All is forthcoming.
Scott Veitch
Scott Veitch is the Paul KC Chung Professor in Jurisprudence at the University of Hong Kong. His work focuses on the ways that legal theory interacts with politics, society, and history, and his forthcoming book Obligations: New Trajectories in Law (in print) deals with the implications of organizing society along an obligations-based approach. He is the author of Law and Irresponsibility: On the Legitimation of Human Suffering (2007) and Moral Conflict and Legal Reasoning (1999), which was the winner of the European Award for Legal Theory. Professor Veitch also co-edited Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts, which is now in its third edition.
James Boyd White
James Boyd White is Hart Wright Professor of Law (emeritus) and Professor of English (emeritus) at the University of Michigan. Prior to that, he taught at the University of Colorado and the University of Chicago. His seminal book The Legal Imagination (1973) is widely credited with having founded the interdisciplinary field of Law and Literature. J.B. White has published many influential books, including When Words Lose their Meaning (1984), Heracles’ Bow (1985), Justice as Translation (1990), Acts of Hope (1994), The Edge of Meaning (2001), and Living Speech (2006). His most recent book is Keep Law Alive (2019).