Life and Law in a Land Where the Music has Stopped
To begin by way of analogy, listening to John Borrows lecture is like joining a feast after one has just eaten. You think you’re secure in a satiated state, but then he offers you...
To begin by way of analogy, listening to John Borrows lecture is like joining a feast after one has just eaten. You think you’re secure in a satiated state, but then he offers you...
On March 14th the Canadian Network of Law and Humanities (CNLH) presented: “Documentary Film and the Law”, a Talk by Professor Ruth Buchanan. This talk will introduce the study of documentary film as a...
Introducing the Law Culture Humanities Lunchtime Zoom Series LCH is excited to announce an upcoming and hopefully ongoing series of monthly LCH lunchtime Zoom sessions that will allow our members to present and discuss their...
Professor Margot Young interviews Naomi Klein about her new book Doppelgänger. Used with permission of the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies. Read more here: https://naomiklein.org/doppelganger/ This richly nuanced intellectual adventure story begins with Naomi...
On March 4, 2024,the Allard Law Film Society, and the Canadian Network of Law & Humanities came together to co-host a special showing of the timeless classic: “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.” Embark...
“Rights without Borders? Subjects, Precarity, Agency” University of Osnabrueck, Germany, from July 6-14, 2024 EXTENDED DEADLINE: Applications now due April 15, 2024 Read more: https://www.osi.uni-osnabrueck.de Since 2009, the OSI has successfully encouraged and promoted...
In his 2011 book The Right to Look, Nicholas Mirzoeff offers a compelling account of visuality as an “old word for an old practice”, whereby “domination imposes the sensible evidence of its legitimacy” (Mirzoeff...
10 & 11 June 2024, University of Lucerne “Suppose that whatever we’ve done, felt, and thought has always happened in the thick of images.” (Anand Pandian, Reel World: An Anthropology of Creation) The ‘visual...
Application Deadline February 1st, 2024. Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is proud to invite graduate students from all disciplines to participate in the 25th UBC Interdisciplinary Legal...
Application deadline: January 31, 2024. The Annual Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Graduate Student Workshop will be held on Thursday 16 May 2024. We encourage workshop participants to attend the 26th annual conference...